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Literary Passwords You Can Remember

Shelagh Clancy

We need to fend off online scams and hacks with more than wishful thinking:

We need strong passwords. But how in the world can we remember them all?

If you have favorite quotations from books or poetry, put them to use as passwords. Add personal clues to make them harder for bots to spot.

Example: “All in the Valley of Death Rode the six hundred.”

We can add personal notes to break this up and make it hard for bots to spot:

AllintheValley29ofDeath!Rode49the6OO Here, “29” is a favorite birthday; an exclamation mark breaks up the text; “49” is another memorable number; and the last two letters are letters, not numbers.

Let’s try rock lyrics:

Example: “I’m just a poor boy from a poor family”

Let’s add the same notes in the same places to make it easy to remember: I’mjust29a!poor49boy We have to condense this because the phrase is short. That makes it easier.

What if you need 8-12 letters?

Example: “O my cousin, shallow-hearted! O my Amy, mine no more!”


You only need to remember a few things to generate these memorable literary passwords: 29, !, 49, and 6OO (two letter O’s). We still recommend you write these down or use a password app to remember. Nobody remembers all the time.

Thanks to Alfred, Lord Tennyson and Queen for the password assistance.

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